Thursday, 27 September 2012

The dating game.

Being single has its advantages, I mean I'm sat here in a pink fluffy bathrobe & matching socks, hey I'm bringing sexy back. One disadvantage must be the dating game and let's face it is one big game. I've dated cheats, liars, bores, the love himself and also those that are to keen & borderline stalker.
I can recall having a few dates with one guy & instinct kicked in to tell me all was not as it seemed. After some investigation I found out he was married plus seeing someone else as well. Needless to say this guy was rather quickly dumped & when he, a few weeks later begged me for a second chance he was told a very firm no!
On another occasion I dated a guy who throughout the date spoke unfavourably about his ex-wife. The guy clearly still had issues with her & completely bored me to death. I send an SOS message to my wingman (a female friend) to help me escape from him. I ended my evening at her house watching a DVD & eating Chinese takeaway.
Another guy I dated I ended up seeing for a few months. Really I should of known that the relationship was doomed as his nodding like the dog on the Churchill advert irritated the hell out of me. Plus, the sex was shit!
Another guy I dated for awhile provided me with excitement in the bedroom but boredom out of it. The boredom was such that having arranged a night in with him to watch a DVD & get a takeaway, I decided a few hours beforehand that leaving work, having a relaxing radox bath & watching Corrie seemed more appealing.
I could go on for awhile reminiscing & recalling my past failed dates but the thing is I'm so damn good at picking a tosser. I'm even spanning further than my local county to find them now & I'm sure they'll be mentioned in later blogs. However the thing is I do enjoy lounging around with no make up, my hair unwashed in my warm fluffy pink bathrobe & socks. Would this be acceptable behaviour in a relationship? I suspect during the honeymoon period, no it wouldn't. My cats give great cuddles & don't object to me wearing my favourite lounging outfit, without make up & unwashed hair so for now I'll stick with them. That's until I get asked out on a date again!!

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